Orders are processed within 12-18 business days beginning the day AFTER you place your order. Business days do NOT include weekends or holidays. To sign up for restock notifications, please read the instructions noted at the top of every category.

All orders are packed in cleansing herbs to cleanse the crystals.

Every crystal has a meaning &. Chi's Aura Crystals focuses on how crystals help us emotionally.

Use Keywords to search

You can find the crystals you are looking for by keyword or chakra point using the search bar.

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Crystals for Anxiety

Labradorite has properties that help with anxiety &. stress. Search anxiety as a keyword to see all of the available options.

Crystals for Protection

Amethyst is a protective stone that guards against psychic attack. Search protection as a keyword to see all of the available options.

Crystals for Abundance

Moss Agate is known as a stone of abundance to attract wealth &. prosperity. 

- Disclaimer -

I use Sage Leaf, Lavender &. Rosemary when packing orders to cleanse the crystals. If you have an allergy to any of the mentioned herbs, please let me know so that I can alter the way I cleanse your crystals.

The use of alternative &. holistic healing is encouraged but crystal healing is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.